Thursday 2 February 2012

The Alleged Sunday Rapist in court again.

All the photographs above are of Mr. Johannes Jacobus Steyn (35), the alleged Sunday rapist. He appeared in court for the third time on Wednesday the 1st of February 2012.

The media presence in court on Wednesday was not as frantic as on Steyn's first appearance. Only a couple of media houses attended the appearance that was scheduled to attain whether all the relevant DNA test etc were completed.

The case was postponed to 7 March 2012  to enable the state to prepare indictments.

The possibility is also there that the case may be transferred to the High Court.

Steyn Stands accused on 33 Charges that include rape, sexual assault, kidnapping and also the murders of Louise de Waal (16) and Lazanne Farmer (14)

The Afrikaans article that appeared in Beeld can be viewed


  1. Your photographs capture the darker side of people .. also nicolette lotter.

  2. Thank you very much I think? Hehehe yeah i always try and portray people as they are, as we know the camera doesnt lie.
