Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Day 12 & 13 of the Alledged Sunday Rapist Trial

Dag 12

'n Ontstelde Jaco Steyn na hy kommentaar gegee het en gese het dat al wat hy sover oor sy saak gelees het was 'n storie in huisgenoot en Rapport en veral die storie oor sy eks vrou.

'n Ontstelde Jaco Steyn verlaat die hof.

Steyn kyk na 'n artikel oor die hofverigtinge op 'n joernalis se iPad na hy gevra het of hy daarna kan kyk en die artikel lees.

Steyn draai om en begin gesels met die joernaliste en fotograwe in die hof.

 Steyn gesels met Beeld Joernalis Pauli van Wyk en Sapa joernalis Maryke Vermaak.

 Steyn gesels met Maryke vermaak, joernalis vir Sapa.

Steyn luister na 'n gesprek tussen Pauli van Wyk (Beeld Joernalis) en Maryke Vermaak (Sapa joernalis) na die hof verdaag het vir die dag.

Die saak was uitgestel na die staat hulle saak gesluit het. Adv Anton Lerm het gevra vir 'n dag tyd om met Steyn te konsulteer.

Dag 13 


Steyn verlaat die hof op Dag 13, die saak was uitgestel tot Maandag 27 Augustus 2012, Adv Anton Lerm het gevra vir nog tyd om te konsulteer met sy klient. So dit was 30min van hof gewees.

As julle verder wil lees gaan kyk na die onderstaande artikels van Pauli van Wyk in Beeld.



(Ek vra omverskoning, die fotos is bitji deurmekaar opgelaai so die gebeure volg nie lekker opmekaar onder die dad 12 nie)

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Day 10 & 11 of the Alledged Sunday Rapist Trail

I tried some different angles this week in court as it was day 11 of week 3. Here I was lying on my back shooting upwards as Steyn was leaning over to chat to Adv Anton Lerm. 

My story

Im not gonna go into much details of the court proceedings but ill rather give my version of the happenings in court.

On Monday Mr. Steyn entered the courtroom and greeted me, so I responded and greeted him back. He also asked how my weekend was and the time away from court. I replied it was ok just busy at work as usual ext ext.

On Tuesday he was again much more relaxed in court and chatted some more to some  journos and me and again asked me for some Coka Cola and laughed. He also said that I must have enough photos of him by now. I said yeah over a thousand or so. He also said that he remembered me from his first appearances in Krugersdorp and that he was very angry at me for shoving my lens so close to his face in getting my photo. He then added that he is not angry any more he knows why we do what we do.

When I got back to the office today I was asked to do a video interview about my experiences covering the case. You can view it on the link below.


For more on the story go read the stories by Pauli van Wyk in Beeld :




Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Lonmin Mine, the two days after the Marikana Massacre

Friday 17 August 2012

Kids on their way to school walking on the road past the scene were the miners were shot by the Police.

The scene where the miners were shot.

A group of woman protesting with a Casper in the background.

This picture and the 4 below it is of the woman protesting near the scene.

Pastor Daniel Bavuma giving his account and the feeling in the comunity. 

Saturday 18 August 2012

Julius Malema talking to the crowd of thousands that have gathered to listen to him.

Floyd Shivambu

My favourite photograph of the 2 days: A group of woman, looking for their loved ones that were either killed, arrested or are in hospital, gather around a list of names that obtained from the Hospital, after a couple of hours where Mine Security refused to hand the list over to them. 

For further info on the stories please folow the links below to Beeld and Rapport.