Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Kya Sand Service Delivery

Residents of Kya Sands blocked Malibongwe Drive as well as other surrounding streets in Johannesburg on Yesterday morning in a Service delivery Protest where they demanded Housing and better service delivery. They started gathering at about 05:00 the morning and they kept Malibongwe drive closed to traffic until 14:00 in the afternoon.

It was one of those protests again. with me arriving just after all the action. I picked up on the service delivery just at about 6:30 and was in my car by 7:00 but with Malibongwe blocked up with traffic it was a nightmare getting there. I only arrived just before 8:00 on the scene. They crowd was calm except for some individuals throwing stones at people who wanted walk past them and go to work.

The protesters occupied the road the whole day and only dispersed after the MMc of housing came to talk to them, needles to say the crowd was not happy with what they heard but they cleared the road and made there way back to their homes with the Police bringing up the rear. As soon as they got back to the squatter camp they started to block the entrance again and set fire to some wooden crates. Some of the residents also started throwing stones at the police. The cops handled the situation very well and did not try to provoke the angry residents. They fired two canisters of teargas to disperse the crowd and we started to make our way back to Malibongwe drive. This was then that the wind carried some of the teargas back to us and the burn started. Our eyes, noses and throats were on fire and even my forehead and eyelids were burning, and this from only a little bit of teargas. I don't even want to imagine what it must feel like to be hit by the full force of teargas. But yeah so it ended, a whole days wait for 5 minutes worth of action, still worth it. That is also why I did so many shots of the flag, ok I was getting bored and there wasn't really much else to photograph.

Friday, 23 March 2012

The Lotter Trail: The final chapter

It was that time again in the car and off to Durban for the final saga in the Lotter trail. I would have liked to cover the judgement the previous week but had to attend my brothers marriage so I had to settle for the sentencing.  

Hardus Lotter stood in the entrance to the holding cells for a long time before the court started. He stood there the whole time reading his bible. His sister Nicolette hid behind the wall while his co accused Mathew Naidoo hid behind the opposite wall. They waited for the judge to enter every time before the came into court and in so doing prevented the photographers from snapping good pics of them, because as you know we can only photograph while the judge is not in court. 

Nicolette Lotter only came out when she wanted to speak to a family member or friends that were sitting next to the accused bench.

Ds. Willem Lotter the uncle of Hardus and Nicolette gave a very moving testimony for a ligther sentence to be given to the Lotter siblings. He said that it took him and his wife some time to come to terms with the gruesome murders and to forgive the Lotter siblings for what they did. As a sign they gave Hardus the present of forgiveness while he was still in jail awaiting trail on his 21st birthday.

Nicolette Lotter wanting to speak to her lawyer when court adjourned for a short while. 

Nicolette speaking to family and friends as well as her uncle Ds. Willem Lotter.

Mathew Naidoo leaving the court room when court adjourned for a while.

Nicolette coming up from the holding cells to speak to family and friends.

Hardus waiting for court to start.

Mathew Naidoo mockingly told his advocate "Thanks Vijay" after he was sentenced to life in prison. 

Hardus and Nicolette says their last farewells in court after they were sentenced to 12 years (Nicolette) and 10 years (Hardus) respectively in jail. Nicolette received 12 years on both counts of murder and Hardus 10 years on both counts, the sentences will run concurrently. Hardus will only be able to apply for parole in 6 years and Nicolette in 10 years. 
Die afrikaanse artikel deur Dries Liebenberg wat in Beeld verskyn het kan gelees word by: http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Oom-getuig-oor-obsessie-met-toordery-20120319

Friday, 16 March 2012

Uile in Ivory Park

'n Nonnetjiesuil het agt kuikens uitgebroei in die dak van die metroraad se gebou in Ivory Park. Die metroraad hoop dat die uile ingespan kan word teen die rotplaag wat heers in die area.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Floris Louw, ontwerper van Nataniël se kostuums en Naledi-wenner

Artikel geskryf deur Anim Van Wyk (Beeld) vir Onder 4 oë wat Saterdag 10 Maart 2012 in Beeld verskyn het. (Hier onder volg 'n uittreksel) 

Die teaterkostuums wat hy vir die kunstenaar en sanger Nataniël ontwerp het, het hom ’n Naledi-prys besorg, vertel Floris Louw. 

’n Yslike maroelaboom groei voor die grasdakhuis op Hectorspruit waar Nataniël se klere-ontwerper deesdae woon. 

Hectorspruit lê langs die N4 in Mpumalanga, vir die meeste mense bloot ’n baken op pad Mosambiek of Krugerwildtuin toe.

Soos omtrent elke huis hier in Sekelbosstraat is die heining van draad. 

Langs die kombuisdeur staan die woorde “Geloof Hoop Liefde” in metaal op die baksteenmuur uitgespel. 

Dis by hierdie deur dat Floris Louw in ’n swart baadjie, hemp met paisley-patrone en toegeknoopte das in die humiditeit uitstap om ons te ontmoet.

Is this the real life? sing Freddie Mercury die begin van “Bohemian Rhapsody” toe Louw se selfoon later in sy binnesak lui. Is this just fantasy? 

Gaan op die link vir die res van die artikel. 


Monday, 12 March 2012

In Flames

I got to meet the guys from In Flames together with reporter for Beeld, Gerhard Pretorius. Gerhard got the better part out of the deal, he actually got to spend some one on one time with the guys, whilst doing his interviews and me the poor photographer only got 2 minutes to create "magic". Well I probably shouldn't complain as there are people out there who would probably give their left foot and right testicle to get 2 minutes. And yes it was worth every second, cool bunch of guys and an awesome band.

Enjoy and watch out for more posts.

Friday, 9 March 2012

The alleged Sunday Rapist stands accused on 37 counts.

Mr. Johannes Jacubus Steyn the alleged Sunday Rapist appears in the Krugersdorp Magistrate Court on the 7th of March 2012.

Off to Krugerfornia (Krugersdorp) again for Mr Steyn the all alleged Sunday Rapist. Speakijg of bleu Mondays, this was a proper blue Tuesday. With Mr. Steyn waiting for the Magistrate to enter first before he made his way up to court. The reason for him doing this was that we are not allowed to photograph or record anything while the magistrate is in court. Normally we get about 30 seconds when they bring the suspects up and then the magistrate enters. So this time around we were not getting our shots and well when we get to the office no excuses of why you got a shitty pic is gonna cut it.

So the first time Mr. Steyn entered the court it happened then the his attorney with drew because of lack of funds. The the court quickly adjourned for 5 minutes to allow Mr. Steyn to get legal aid. This was when i asked the Police officer why they are protecting him and not bringing him into court as usual. " No dont worry next time" so I said ok. Next time around same thing.

Now my blood is boiling as well as the other photographer present at court. Luckily the lawyer had to quickly consult about something with Mr. Steyn and so he would be coming back up the stairs again soon. (I should probably just state that the magistrate as well as the accused leaves the courtroom every time the court adjourns for what ever reason.) I walked offer to the police officer again and told him " please sir we really need pics and protecting him is't helping anyone, so please give us a chance otherwise someone is gonna start photographing while the magistrate is in court, (and yes my words weren't as polite as it sounds now)" so the police officer said ok hell try and stall for 30 seconds.

On the last time then that Mr. Steyn entered the Krugersdorp Magistrate Court before his case got moved to the Johannesburg High Court his eyes went wide open as he saw the magistrate was not yet in court. And yes we at last had time a plenty to get our pics.

So these images above are the fruits of my "30 seconds of labour"

Die Afrikaanse Artikel hieronder is geskryf deur Marzanne van de Berg (Beeld Joernalis) en het in Beeld verksyn op Woensdag 8 Maart 2012

Die vermeende “Sondag-verkragter” sal in Julie in die hooggeregshof in Johannesburg op 37 aanklagte met betrekking tot 11 slagoffers teregstaan.

Streeklanddros Keith Page het gisteroggend in die Krugersdorpse streekhof die akte van beskuldiging aan mnr. Johannes Jacobus Steyn (35) voorgelees voordat hy die saak na die hooggeregshof verwys het.

Steyn het geweier om die trappe van die selle na die hofsaal te bestyg toe hy sien dat TV-kameras en fotograwe op hom wag. Hy het eers te voorskyn gekom nadat Page ingekom het. Hy het vinnig gestap en afgekyk om die kameras te probeer ontduik.

Steyn het om regshulp aansoek gedoen nadat mnr. Jacques van Heerden om finansiële redes onttrek het as sy regsverteenwoordiger.

’n Prokureur van die Regshulpraad is aan hom toegewys voordat die aanklagte aan hom voorgehou is.

Die aanklagte is twee van moord, 11 van verkragting, tien van onsedelike aanranding, een van poging tot onsedelike aanranding, twee van aanranding, tien van ontvoering en een van poging tot ontvoering.

Hy word onder meer aangekla van die ontvoering, verkragting en moord van Louise de Waal (16), wat op 12 Oktober verlede jaar buite die Hoërskool Die Burger in Roodepoort ontvoer is. Haar verkoolde lyk is later die dag op ’n plaas naby Magaliesburg gevind.

Luidens die akte van beskuldiging was verwurging die oorsaak van Louise se dood.

Steyn word ook aangekla van die ontvoering van en moord op Lazanne Farmer (14) van Pretoria-Wes, wat op 5 September 2010 dood is toe sy uit die bakkie gespring het van ’n man wat haar en ’n 16-jarige vriendin ontvoer het. 

Dié vriendin is later in ’n veld verkrag.

Die ander aanklagte het betrekking op nege ander slagoffers wat almal tussen 11 en 18 jaar oud is.

Die verhoor sal in Julie in die hooggeregshof in Johannesburg begin en daar is twee maande daarvoor opsygesit, het Page gesê. Die staat kan volgens me. Micky Thesner, staatsaanklaer, tot 89 getuies roep.

Page het Steyn gevra of die staat enige getuies moet dagvaar om namens hom te kom getuig. Steyn het nee gesê. 

Steyn het ook aangedui hy wil hê die verhoor moet in Afrikaans, sy moedertaal, voortgaan
