Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Nguni bees in die Transkei

Ek het hierdie Nguni bees afgeneem in die Transkei op 'n onlangse tripie na Kei Mond in die Oos-Kaap.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Drag Racing

'n Lekker dag by Tarlton!!

Dis wat gebeur as ons op 'n publieke vakansiedag moet werk, ons dink lekker werk vir ons self uit.

Absalon en Dodger

Absalom, ‘n babaleeutjie van ses weke, en Dodger, die reun-worshond wat hom soos ‘n ma versorg op Me. Rene Jordaan se plaas, Griffin-ekosorgsentrum, buite Potchefstroom in Noord Wes.

Ek gaan nie jok nie maar ek love my job, van misdaad die een dag tot diere die volgende, elke dag is anders. Hierdie is 'n ou storie wat ek gedoen het voor ek my blog begin het so ek probeer so bietjie opvang en al die lekker fotos op die blog kry. So verkoon asseblief as ek soms meer as een post maak 'n dag.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Pigmee-seekoei by die Johannesburgse Dieretuin

Die Johannesburgse Dieretuin het in Augustus vanjaar aangekondig dat hulle 'n nuwe 13 maande oue Pigmee-seekoei ryker is. Ek en Pauli van Wyk (Beeld veslaggewer) was daar om die storie te doen.

Pauli se storie kan gelees word by

My Weergawe

Ek gaan nie vir julle jok nie, maar die outjie, is regtig oulik!! As hy net so 'n bietjie kleiner was sou ek hom in my huis gehou het, ek het juis 'n ekstra plek op my dubbelbed vir n troeteldiertjie. Daar is net een ding wat ek moet uitklaar, die outjie is net pigmee teenoor n regte seekoei. Pigmee-seekoeie is steeds groot.

Dit was 'n redelike lang wag by die Dieretuin aangesien die seekoei oppad was van Pretoria af. Met sy aankoms slag was ons eers nie toegelaat om in die hok te gaan nie en ons moes toe maar van die gang wat bo oor die hokke loop fotos neem. Na 'n ruk het ek besluit, nee wat! Die werk nie vir my nie, en het ek een van die personeel gevra of ek nie in die hok kan gaan nie, want van die dieretuin personeel was in die hok.

Hulle sê toe vir my dis reg ek moet net rustig wees in die hok en nie skielike bewegings maak nie. Nou ja "needles to say" was ek rustig, want die gedagte aan 'n koerant opskrif wat lees "fotograaf gebyt deur baba pigmee-seekoei" sou my selfbeeld 'n effe knou gegee het. En natuurlik was daar ander media wat dit sou vaslê vir die res van die land om te sien.

Na ons die baba afgeneem het, word ons toe die geleentheid gegee om vir papa en mama af te neem, ook in die hok. Mmmmmmmmmmm ja!! Ek het mos 'n gesegde wat sê dat ek geen dier vertrou wat groter as ek is nie en die twee was so 200kg groter, elk!!. Darem was Pauli daar om agter te skuil, (ek moet net sê dat die twee so 300kg groter is as Pauli) elke keer as die seekoei lyk of hy iets wil doen dan maak ek net seker dat ek agter my human shield (Pauli) is. Hahahaha. Daar is mos 'n ander storie wat jagters altyd vertel wat gaan " as 'n leeu of 'n buffel of wat ookal jou in die bos storm, moet jy net vinniger as die stadigste ou wees"  Ek belowe julle ek sou nie die stadigste gewees het nie. :)

Coenie de Villiers

Shoot met Coenie de Villiers in die Foto24 studio vir 'n artikel oor sy nuwe CD, Hart van glas. Die Artikel is geskryf deur Anna-Retha Bouwer.

Die atikel kan gesien word by

Ek moet sê die was verseker een van my makliker shoots gewees, Coenie was n baie goeie model en was glad nie ongemaklik voor die kamera nie. Mens kan sien dat die nie sy eerste keer was nie. Al wat ek gedoen het was die ligte opgestel het en vir Coenie elke nou en dan (letterlik elke nou dan) gesê het "skuif jou kop net bietjie of draai net bietjie so". Die eindproduk was die reeks fotos. Dit wys jou net wat kan gebeur as die fotograaf en die model op dieselfde golflengte is.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Kurt Darren

Shoot met Kurt Darren vir n profiel storie wat in Beeld verskyn het op 16 November 2011

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Evan van der Spuy, the mountain biker that was taken out by a buck

Evan van der Spuy

Evan van der Spuy and his friend and teammate Travis Walker who caught the whole insident on camera.

Evan van der Spuy the Mountain Biker who was at the centre of the YouTube video phenomenon where he was knocked of his mountain bike by a Rooihartbees (Species of Buck in South Africa). His friend Travis Walker who is also in the photographs was the one riding behind him with the video camera that caught all the action.

This was a photoshoot I did for Rapport.

The video

Sunday, 13 November 2011

The Lotter trail


Nicolette Lotter in the Durban High Court. She stands accussed, with her brother Hardus Lotter and ex boyfriend Mathew Naidoo, for murdering her father and mother.

I covered the court case from Tuesday the 8th of November till Thursday the 10th of November. Whilst I was in court, on my first day (34 degrees and humid, welcome to Durban, hehe)  Matthew Naidoo (accused nr 2) came across as being very arrogant in his cross examination. He continued to deny most of the allegations even though he wanted to change his plea to guilty the day before. I found this very strange and I am still not really sure what he tried to achieve when he wanted to change his plea.

Mr Mathew Naidoo.

Nicolette and her brother, Hardus always read the bible whenever she entered the courtroom.

Mr. Hardus Lotter the brother of Nicolette Lotter.

Another thing that I was very surprised by was that I didn't find any "monsters" in the court room, but rather a pretty girl, even maybe beautiful depending on what you consider to be beautiful (maybe beautiful in a crazy im gonna eat your liver kind of way, hehehe). The reason I say this is because when you hear "murder" you immediately form a picture in your head of what a murder should look like and these three didn't really meet my minds expectations.


The next day in court Naidoo finished his testimony and another witness was called to the stand. The witness was a Pastor that the Police call in whenever suspects in custody ask for spiritual guidance. The reason he was called in was to council the three accused after they were arrested.

The Pastor then counselled all three accused and testified that he did a prayer of deliverance and drove out demons that were possessing their bodies. Yes I know its weird. I also had to bite my fist to hold back the laughter. But the Pastor was very serious in his testimony and stood by what he said.

Nicolette with her Council.

Naidoo was a very strange character for me. Every day he had something to say to the photographers and camera crew that were busy photographing and filming him. His favourite was can you please not use flash it hurts my eyes. HAHAHA Needles to say I still used flash whenever I wanted to. O yeah and the old cliché, that he decided to utter on the last day, "so when are you guys going to get a real job", really so original. 

Naidoo consulting with his counsel and mother.

Hardus was a strange one. I battled to get a interesting photo of him everyday because he rarely did anything except read his bible. The creepiest part of him was his eyes that shows very little emotion, even when he smiles.

The picture above really freaked me out after I took it. The reason being is Nicolettes expression. I almost got the feeling that I captured the hidden personality behind the composed well spoken front that we saw in court every day.


On this day i decided to focus a bit more on Nicolette as it was her turn on the stand.  She started her testimony the day before where she said that from 2001, when their new domestic worker started working for them, she was in the grip of witchcraft. Her reason for this is that her domestic worker was the one that putt this witchcraft over her. She said that she always felt that their was some or other "thing" that forced itself spiritually on her and then raped her. This continued from 2001 up until 2007 when she met Naidoo. Apparently after the first time they were intimate this other force disappeared. She met Naidoo whilst seeking help for her witchcraft problem at a friend of a friends place. Theses friends of friends were the people that prayed for her so that the evil spirit will leave her alone.

She also said that Naidoo was the self proclaimed 3rd son of God. She said that Naidoo would speak in other voices that were angels and sometimes demons, and sometimes God. She said that every time he spoke in one of these voices or wait rather that every time one of these entities spoke through him, his tone of voice, facial expressions and character would change. She says that this convinced her that it must be true.

Hardus Lotter consults with his counsel

Nicolette says goodbye to friends and family after the case was finished for the day and postponed  till the 5th of March 2012.

Everything in this blog is me the photographers own opinion and not always the opinions or views of the publications I work for.